Tiverton pickleball, Tiverton Town Farm, Main rd

Sport Picklebal
Home city Tiverton
Team members 66 (Player list)
Team has no upcoming events. Please sign in to add a new event.
Bob, profile photo

Atlantic Fitness on Shove st has indoor pickle ball

Bob, profile photo

Tuesday and Thursday 8 to 5 walk in welcomed.
Give them a call

Leslie, profile photo

Thank you Bob.

Cliff, profile photo

To all who were planning on volunteering and attending our Bristol pickleball court dedication and the beginner's clinic tomorrow :
Due to unfavorable weather conditions we are cancelling our events.
This weekend is not looking good for both Saturday and our rain date on Sunday. With the forecast of thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow morning and even more rain on Sunday morning, things are not looking favorable for our event to take place. For safety reasons and liability concerns, even if it's not raining, we can't let players run around on the courts if they are slippery and wet.
The dedication ceremony will be held at a later date to be determined. Also, our beginners clinic will have to be postponed for this year.
I am disappointed that I am making this call but we need to be sure that the courts a safe to play on.
Thank you for your understanding.

Cliff Teixeira
Mike Morrell
Bristol Pickleball Club of Rhode Island

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